IDP Clinic Perth July 18 to 20 2011 Part 2

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Team Future Squads for 2011 were announced at the Clinic:

The Team Future Squad 2011. Congratulations to all of the gymnasts who have been named on the squad. They have reached a National Qualifying Standard for IDP Level 5 or above, are aged between 9-13 in 2011 and are participating in the GA IDEAL Skills testing program.

The Team Future High Achievers Squad 2011. A select group of gymnasts were named on the prestigious High Achievers Squad. These girls have either achieved a top 3 placing Nation-wide for their IDEAL Skills testing for their age or have achieved a top 3 all around placing at the previous National event (National Club Championships 2010).

More gymnasts can join these squads by achieving the required National standards in the second half of the year.

With what is fast becoming tradition, the clinic finished up with selected girls demonstrating some outstanding skills which are heading in the targeted National direction – congratulations to those girls who were selected! Then all girls performed their clinic dance that they had been working on with National Team Choreographer – Stacey Umeh.